dimanche 11 novembre 2012

Social network : Good or Bad ?

Social network exist in the world but it’s a good thing or a bad thing?

In many countries, there are Social networks and many child, students, parents or employers use this social network but every person do not come for the same thing.

The Children comes for speak or game with his or her friends, he can share many things.

Many parents comes on this social network for watch his or her child. But they go too for watch the actuality in the world.

The students they come for the same reason of the children and he must learn a minimum about his country.

The employers take a look of the person who wants a job in his Company.

But if they are many persons on his social network so there are many Consumers so there are many societies who make advertising on this website.

The principal advantage of this social network is : 

“Anyway about your color or your origins because 
the majority of the persons got an account on this
socials networks”.

 Social network linked different persons. Like a web.

Despite all of this advantage they are many disadvantages:

They are many persons who make fake accounts.
The official website of the BBC says “Facebook has more than 83 million illegitimate accounts” the 2 august 2012 at 17:17 GMT.

There are a lot of people who are found of Facebook for example,  and they stay 24/24 on the social network.

I think Social Networks is a good think because most of the persons who have an account on a social network aren’t bad. And you can know many people with it.

Jeremy Urbino 1eS1

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