dimanche 11 novembre 2012

Social networks

 The social networks can be good but also bad. It is necessary to be careful with that. Facebook is a social network where everybody shows personal information so unknowns can know for example the place of residence or the phone number therefore it's very dangerous. 

Millions of Americans are addicted to social networks like Facebook , Twitter , MySpace , Youtube because all the teenagers gather to chat , post pictures or movies , organize parties and more.... People are more curious and become addicted to these sites. Look this video :

But these social networks are not as bad sides if it is reasonable. We can make new friends , boyfriends and girlfriends , discuss with our friends and family , and SOMETIMES , talking about homework ! 

But the government takes these sites very seriously : Barack Obama during question-and-answer session , talked the dangers of posting personal information. He warned teenagers against these dangers especially when they apply for a job. Because on Facebook , sometimes compromissing information are now visible as almost all employers are on Facebook , then both can a denied a job because of it. So be very careful ! 

To conclude , we should be careful not to go overboard (like lose sleep) and we should try to spend less time on social networks. 

In my opinion , social networks it's a good idea but in small doses ! 


Social networks, use it well !

On the one hand, social networks could be dangerous, especially for teenagers who can make mistakes or be addicted. Some of them become so addicted to Facebook that they lose contact with their friends in real life. Indeed, most of teenagers prefer to talk thought message instead of talking face to face.                                
It’s impossible for them to disconnect from social networks but it’s necessary for psychologists to fix this issue. Moreover, they can post personal (like their address or their phone number) and compromising information which, for example, could prevent them to find a job. The president Barack Obama declared that it could harm them especially when they applied for a job. So they should pay attention to what they post on social networks. And they should also spend less time on Facebook or Twitter.

 On the other hand, if the students use Facebook or Twitter with care, they could use it to find a job more easily and social networks could be useful. What’s more, some people say that it helps students who are shy and for them it is difficult to make friends. Due to social networks, they become more sociable. Those persons should have a Facebook account, only if they know how to use it well.
                                                                                                                                   Tiphaine VIANA 1S1

Social Networks : Should We Live Without ?


      • Sometimes ago, a student in the university of Harvard was invented a social network who today, is the most widely used more than Google. This is Mark Zuckerberg.

Today, more than one billion of people use Facebook. It’s incredible! But, I think it’s dangerous for the people who use Facebook, for example someone who wants to see where lives someone else, he can find all details quickly even if it’s for bad reasons.

Or, any people can see your photo and use it to do anything, good or bad things; you shouldn’t put your personal information in Facebook without having problems.

Moreover, all people can write what they want on Facebook and they can do almost anything they want. For example, if you have a friend, you can exchange with him on his page, but sometimes, there is a stranger who can writes instead of you, and, I think it’s very dangerous if that person is a bad people with bad ideas. You shouldn’t speak with all people if you don’t know who they are.

However, I think it’s dangerous to add anybody without knowing him under his personal Facebook’s page, everybody need to take care if someone pretends to be your friend, in this case if you accept his invitation, everything can happen, you and your friends can be in difficult situations. So before accepting someone under Facebook, please check all information. 

Finally, before your registration on Facebook, you need to take care of everything, and check all details and information.
Facebook, the social network the most used, and can be useful if you use it correctly, for exchanging information, or communicate with your existing or new friends. 
But don't forget, if you stay too much time in front of your screen you will become addicted !

DA NOBREGA    ANTHONY           1S1  

Final task 1S1 EDC

Nowadays there are different social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace am much more.
 These sites have different uses. They can keep people in contact with each other even if they gave far away from each other. We can show them some pictures of videos. Also you can send the messages to talk with them without any delay. It’s very useful.

 But social networks can also be dangerous. This can be the case because some people can be addicted to it and spend too much time on those sites. So they don’t have real friends and if they do they don’t spend time with them. The people who are addicted to social networks, they spend their days on the computer instead of going outside for fresh air.
Description : http://socialmediagroup.com/new/wp-content/uploads/social-media-addiction.jpg

Social networking sites can also be dangerous because nowadays some employers look at their future employees social network accounts decided they should employ them or not. So before you get employed you should check that there is nothing that an employer does not want to see on your account. And a employers said that if you create a professional social network account.
Description : http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRitJOlJ9m8OOVAcKDgp3ug70g9LQCEocdkA4KB2Zzoq487sn_p
 Social networks have also caused some people to commit suicide. There is a story about an Irish girl who moved to the states. She was a freshman and people made fun of her on her Facebook account. This caused her to commit suicide. Her mother said she was terrified about what happened and that we should do something about it.


For or Against Social Networks

               Social networks can be usefull to preserve relationship with people we can't see often but it can be dangerous if not carefully used. Indeed, “45% Employers use Facebook-Twitter to screen job candidates”,  write Oregon busines report web site so we should be carefull at what we post on social networks because more and more employers chose employees by looking at their social networks.

            Social networks can also be more dangerous: in some cases you might find yourself talking to someone you don't know. Or you can get some surprise like showed in this video.

          An other problem of social networks, and it is probably one of the most important, is the addiction. Addicted people spend all their time on social networks and awaiting new publication.

        The development of Facebook and Twitter on mobiles increased this addiction because now people can connect themselves at any times. This video can explain more precisely this new “drug”.

        I think social networks can be a great tool (to chat with distant friends) 
    but can also become very dangerous if your not carefull while using them.
                                                                                                          Romain GILLE

Social Networks : A Great Debate

Nowadays social networks are the subject of a great debate. According to me, we can't say that social networks are good or bad for people.

A family who is talking on Skype. 
They may live far away 
from each others.
Indeed on the one hand social networks can be a way to express yourself, to keep contact with others : Lord Allan a representative of Facebook said during riots in England on September 2011, that there are 30 millions people in the United Kingdom who were using tolls to tell their family and friends that their safe. Moreover students use social networks to help each other when they have homeworks ; they can also catch up lessons that they have missed, thanks to a class's group created especially for this, on facebook for example.

But on the other hand, it can quickly turn dangerous. In fact you can become addicted to social networks or meet some strange people on it. What's more Barack Obama, for example, declared during a question-and-answer session on September 2009, that when we are young, we made mistakes and we did some stupid stuff ; and that he had hearing a lot about young people who were posting stuff on facebook, and then suddently they go apply for a job and someone has done a search. He advised young to be careful about what they post on social networks, because he wants them to think about who can look at their account such as potential employers.

So we should keep our account clean without compromising "stuff", like pictures. Moreover, for our safety we should only add people that we know and don't put personal infomations. Finally, we should be sure to have a social life in the real world and not only on social network. These advices, can show you that we can continue to use social neworks but no without some precautions. 

Serena Scaglioso

Social network : Good or Bad ?

Social network exist in the world but it’s a good thing or a bad thing?

In many countries, there are Social networks and many child, students, parents or employers use this social network but every person do not come for the same thing.

The Children comes for speak or game with his or her friends, he can share many things.

Many parents comes on this social network for watch his or her child. But they go too for watch the actuality in the world.

The students they come for the same reason of the children and he must learn a minimum about his country.

The employers take a look of the person who wants a job in his Company.

But if they are many persons on his social network so there are many Consumers so there are many societies who make advertising on this website.

The principal advantage of this social network is : 

“Anyway about your color or your origins because 
the majority of the persons got an account on this
socials networks”.

 Social network linked different persons. Like a web.

Despite all of this advantage they are many disadvantages:

They are many persons who make fake accounts.
The official website of the BBC says “Facebook has more than 83 million illegitimate accounts” the 2 august 2012 at 17:17 GMT.

There are a lot of people who are found of Facebook for example,  and they stay 24/24 on the social network.

I think Social Networks is a good think because most of the persons who have an account on a social network aren’t bad. And you can know many people with it.

Jeremy Urbino 1eS1